Product Evaluation Form

Use this product review template to collect customer feedback and discover new ways to develop and improve your products.

Simplify your workflows

Understanding the wants and needs of your customers goes a long way towards ensuring your product's success. Use this product evaluation form to collect feedback from your customers and learn what they value most about your product or service. Modify and use this product evaluation template so you can understand where your product offerings might be falling short in the eyes of your customers.

Customize to your needs

You don't need to have IT support to create forms or customer service surveys with Formstack. Our intuitive drag-and-drop form builder makes it easy to build and launch any type of form or survey your business needs in minutes. You can edit this product evaluation form template with customized questions that make sense for your product. Give customers a familiar experience by using your own professionally branded form themes–complete with custom fonts, colors, and images.

Gather data efficiently

This product review template is simple to deploy in a variety of ways. Depending on your business, you might want to capture customer feedback from a tablet right after their in-store transaction. Sending out an email with a survey link might suit your business better. However you need to reach your customers, Formstack makes it easy to gather your data efficiently. Give customers a seamless experience by using your own branding and a customized follow-up message.

Increase submissions

It's frustrating to launch an important form and not get enough submissions once it's live. Leave this frustration behind by adding Formstack's Conversion Kit to your forms and surveys. This powerful suite of tools helps you pinpoint problem areas, simplify form filling for customers, and increase submissions. With the Partial Submissions tool, for example, you'll never lose important data again when a customer abandons a form.

Visualize your data

As you begin to receive submissions through your product evaluation form, you'll have major insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your product. When it's time to present the findings to managers or team leads, Formstack provides excellent data analytics tools that help you produce beautiful charts and graphs in minutes. Your dashboard gives you access to important metrics for each of your forms and surveys, like unique views, conversion rate, and abandonment rate.

Formstack saves us tons of time on data entry and analysis and makes it simple for us to see, use, and share data across departments.
Lindsay Anderson
Project Manager at National Geographic Society

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